Nearly half of all American adults had to have a tooth pulled or extracted, which means you are in a large group of people. Because tooth pulling is so common, there are many reasons you may need an extraction. You may have been in an accident and you got hit in the mouth. Tooth decay can cause a tooth to eventually die and need to be pulled. You may also have to have a tooth pulled due to a gum infection or because you need more space in your mouth to fix a bite issue. You need to know what to do after you have a tooth pulled so your tooth socket heals as quickly as possible.
What Happens During an Extraction?
The actual procedure to extract a tooth is fairly straightforward. Our dentist numbs the area around your tooth to make sure you do not feel pain. Then, the dentist will use a tool to loosen the tooth roots and pull the tooth free. Although the procedure is straightforward, there are some things you can do when the procedure is finished to make your recovery easier.
What Can I Do Help My Healing?
Ready to start your healing? Your first step is to read the aftercare instructions from our dentist. These instructions are personally tailored for you, so they should be the first step you make because they may contain medication instructions.
Next, get comfortable and relax. Your head should be elevated, and you need to leave the gauze in your mouth for a little while after the procedure. Use ice packs to reduce the pain and the swelling. Eat soft foods, not too hot or too cold, for the first two days after your procedure. Also, do not brush that area for a few days after your tooth is extracted. You will want to avoid using alcohol or tobacco products because that can slow healing.
If you develop a fever, your pain level increases dramatically, or you feel a knot or lump in the area of the tooth extraction, it is time to let us know. Contact us today to make an appointment.
Esthetic Smiles - Dr. John Abajian, DDS, 1901 N. Solar Dr. Suite 135, Oxnard, CA 93036 + 805-365-4222 + + 2/8/2025 + Page Terms:dentist Oxnard CA +